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are a Southern California collector's club, primarily interested in collecting
Harmony Kingdom box figurines and related items.
Our Mission Statement
To bring together people who enjoy collecting Harmony Kingdom, by networking, sharing and fellowship. We hope to enhance and educate the collector’s knowledge and interest in Harmony Kingdom products. As an authorized independent Harmony Kingdom club we are required to support a charity which provides an opportunity for our members to strengthen the bonds between the community and ourselves. As an authorized independent Harmony Kingdom club, we promise to abide by the Authorized Independent Club Guidelines, hereby attached to the bylaws.
Welcome to
the beginnings of what will be our website. There will be more coming in
the near future. Please be patient and check back from time to time.
For the latest
news check this page and/or the Event and News page.
[Events and News] [Meet Daisy] [Meet the Board Members] [Meet Our Charity] [FIH Bylaws] [Our History] [Membership] [Links]
Site updated September, 2003
All backgrounds and pages on this site were created by